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Curious Murders of Convent of Mercy!: Gilly Penworth Murder Investigations Limited

  Curious Murders of Convent of Mercy!


  Millie Aveyard

  (Gilly Penworth Murder Investigations Ltd)

  Angelina are you really serious about going into a Convent? Yes of course I am, in fact I have spoken direct with the Mother Superior she is actually Sister Bernardette,at the Convent in Yorkshire where I would like to stay, and I have been invited to meet with her next Saturday Morning at 11.30a.m.

  Our parents will go spare! Mummy will hit the roof! Look we have Roman Catholics,

  Church of England,High Church, and Jews in our family as you know, together with on Grandma's side Methodist Chapel!

  Of all the different religions in our family, the only one I cannot understand is the Methodist one! Our Grandfather went to the Lancashire very well known school Whitewoods and he really enjoyed it, well he told me for the first term he cried a bit and then joined in the Sports and after that he just got on with it.

  Yes that sounds like Grandfather! Also Uncle Jack's three sisters' went into a Convent down in Kent,where they were born, but two of them came home, because they were not allowed to keep their Eiderdowns with them nor their clocks!

  That just left Mary and she lived a full and very long life and died in the Convent of Mary at the ripe old age of 92 years old! Uncle Jack always said that the Convent life suited her down to the ground! He always said she was very shy and did not like speaking to strangers, so joining the Convent was right thing for her to do! She had a lovely way of life. She was always content, and a little bit naughty, because at the weekends she always wore red lipstick! Honestly!

  Now Grandpa went to Whitewoods as a boarder and he was fine, In fact he did very well as a student there, and of course after he left and then the War started, he was very well connected with the boys at school, who had gone into the Government to work!

  All I know is he was something to do with the Westminster Boys, and he spent a lot of his time in Scotland.

  All Grandma said, and my Daddy also, was that Grandpa was working for the Government of Britain, well Spies do, do they not? So do not forget that our Grandpa was operating like James Bond, years before anyone had heard of James Bond himself!

  Now Angelina you asked about Grandpa just to try and stop me asking why you want to go into a Convent, because I will tell you now, it must be a very lonely type of life. You cannot Mary nor have children of your own, so do not go and fall in love with a handsome,young Father!

  If you did fall in love with a Father, you would both have to leave your callings!if you were both too friendly with each other shall we say! Having said that some people seem to manage a friendship within the Church!

  There was a Nun at the Convent over the wall from home, do you remember she was always flirting with the young Father who was supposedly teaching her to drive, amongst other things! She eventually did pass her driving test, and he kissed when she did! I was sat up our tree and saw them so I know it was true, and when I told Daddy, he said I had to forget it because the Church did not allow things like that!

  I also saw him kiss her when she smashed the car into one of Airlie's cars, but I did not mention it, because Daddy had already told off me once for being nosey!

  When we were walking home from Brownies they used to walk down Church Lane holding hands, but you never said anything, so I did not either! Why the Fathers' nor Nuns/Sisters are not allowed to marry is I think plain stupid!Because they all seem to manage to have secret love affairs and it would be much better for all concerned if it was allowed!

  Officially the Nuns are whiter than white as are the Fathers; but in reality they are just the same as all of us, and I think they should be allowed that freedom of marrying like the rest of us!

  Now Angelina having seen you out with all your friends, and before you start on me, no I have never told our parents! I just do not believe you when you say you want to live in the Convent!

  You like your fun with your men friends, far too much to leave everything behind! Either you are pregnant and you do not wish to give birth, or you have not told the Chap that he is going to be a Father!

  Either way, the Father of your baby as the right to know if you are pregnant with his child!Also before you do anything drastic, you should both talk things over together! Things are never black and white there are some grey areas mostly and can be got over, with some extra help, and do not forget that! We all love you!

  Well, if you really want to know Heather, I am having Father Kelly's baby, and he thinks that is wonderful, but can you just imagine the Bishop's face when he informs him! He is informing his Grace this morning!

  Well you will get married, and take no notice of what the Bishop says, and enjoy your Babies because now you are having one you will have a few more, I should hope! He will certainly have to leave the Catholic Church but he could revert to what he was and join the Anglican Church!

  So why not speak with him about the different church and see what he would like to do, and then speak direct speak with Uncle Peter and I am sure he would take him in to the Church first as a Curate and then he should proceed to be a Vicar!

  So instead of feeling sorry for yourself, start thinking in a positive way, you have had some taste of fun, and now make sure you have the rest inside your marriage!

  I am sure it can be done fairly quickly as well, because I know a couple who live in Wetherby and they did this and have been living in Wetherby for 15 years!Also they have a lovely family, I think they have four children!

  Getting married is the right way for all three of you, Angelina can you honestly see yourself as a Nun! Also can you seriously give up your own child! Stop being so stupid and pick up the 'phone and tell them thank you very much but you will not be attending the interview!Do it now here is the 'phone and you had the number this morning so I will hold the 'phone while you dial the correct number and cancel all your Vocation!

  After you have sorted that little problem out, we will 'phone Uncle and then make sure of things for your Edward, if he can have a Curate post in Uncles Church, don't forget Uncle is a Bishop so he must have some say in things! Hey I have just thought I am going to be Auntie Heather! Oh, I cannot wait to see you having to change dirty nappies, oh what fun!

  Just drop the idea of living a quiet life, without your baby, and just concentrate on my new niece or nephew that you are carrying, and make sure their Daddy knows what is taking place, and get him an appointment with Uncle, as your Father Kelly went to the same school as Grandpa so he was not a catholic then! He must have “turned” to become a priest! So there should not be too much trouble for him to turn back again to his Anglican Life once more! Anyway if he loves you and now your baby, he will be prepared to do anything to look after you both!

  So the first thing you should do now, is 'phone him and tell him you want him here urgently and when he arrives, make sure you thrash everything out in the open and take matters from there!

  What do you actually want to do? I am keeping my baby there is no way I am not keeping this baby even if he should turn around and say he staying within his church! Well I am glad you have said that, now 'phone him first and then 'phone the convent before he arrives and tell them that you will not be attending for the interview ever!

  Can you put me through to Father Kelly please, yet is is very urgent, thank you , you are very kind! Father Kelly speaking, Hello Angelina here, I have something urgent to say, can you listen or is it possible to come over, Yes, I would say so without any shadow of doubt I will be with you
within the next half an hour if not sooner, thank you, Goodbye!

  Hey,Angelina I think he as just pulled his car into our drive, he must have put his foot down to arrive here in such a short space of time! Now he is here I feel a bit shy of him but it certainly was both of us together, not just me, so he will have to be involved!

  Hello, come in, is that all I get Angelina, yes for the moment because I have something to say which you may not like, but I must tell you, if after that you still want more, then that will be wonderful!

  For now please just listen to what I have to say Edward, yes fire away, well sit down then you can't tower over me! First of all I have to say there is nothing wrong, but I am going to have a baby, which I will look after and love until I die! If you do not want to know our baby, that is entirely up to you, but I refuse point blank to do anything about not having this baby!Do you understand what I am saying Edward? Yes, and I would never want you to terminate any of our children Angelina, in any circumstances!

  We will get married straight away, are you seriously asking me to marry you? Of course I am, what did you think I was asking you to do!

  Now the first thing I need to do Angie is see the Anglican Bishop and see if he would allow me to convert back again within the Anglican Faith and see if I can be a Curate or Vicar again!

  Well, would you like to choose a Bishop to visit or would you like to see my God-Father, we can call him now if you would like to. We do not need money Angelina, oh my Sunday name now,it was Angie before!

  Eddie, you are certainly in a state! My God-Father if you have forgotten is the Anglican Bishop for this Area! I am sure if we go and see him he will try and help us, when I tell him everything Warts and all! Shall we 'phone him now? Yes, why not, the sooner the better, I would say now, then we can Marry and settle down somewhere and start a large family of our own!

  I think six is a lovely number for a family, don't you? Ask me after the birth of our first one!

  And after the first baby, we may be very lucky and from there on we may have sets of Twins, as they do run in my family!Mummy is the only one not to have had twins in all of our family! So just promise me Edward that if we do not have Twins, we can still try for the number Six, of course we can and have bloody good fun trying!

  Hello Uncle Peter, yes Angelina, Oh as mummy had a word with you, no love why? The way I received my full name! Oh sorry, I was just writing my next sermon when I picked up the 'phone, I could have called you St.Paul or even St. John!

  Yes, I suppose remembering my full name is a bonus, Uncle Peter I have a huge favour to ask you! Well fire away, what as your Mum done this time! Mummy as not done anything, it is me this time,but I must tell you straight away I am not sorry I did this, because we really do love each other! Well I am certainly glad to hear that but just start at the beginning and I may just be able to help you!

  Well, I will not cover anything up, but basically I fell in love with Father Edward Kelly, and he fell in love with me! Also I was not on the Pill because I never thought he would end up by loving me! I applied to join a Convent so I could live away from home! You know that Mum would have a giddy Fit if she found out about Eddie!

  Well first of all Angie, I think you are silly to have tried to join a Convent because you certainly would loose your baby in there, they would have had the child adopted!

  Well, I am not going to loose any of our babies hopefully, as Eddie would like to revert back to the Anglican Church and become a Curate and in time with luck be a Vicar!

  Our baby is due in six months time. Uncle Peter do you think there would be a chance of Eddie coming back into the Anglican Church? Oh I forgot, I seem to be telling all this back to front, because the reason I 'phoned you was to ask you please will you marry us in your Church?If you will marry us could it be soon because I don't want the baby to be born before we are married!

  Right Angie, I will certainly marry you both, I will be honoured to marry you both in my church! Secondly I will be even more honoured to christen all your children as and when! Just take it as read!

  Now I think I can even help you both even more so by being in a position to offer Eddie, as I am sure he will be an Eddie to the family, Yes he is Uncle Peter, well then I can offer our Eddie his conversion back in our Church, and he can start now by being my Curate!

  Do you think he will accept?well just a second and I will put the 'phone on Open Line, and we can all speak to each other!

  Eddie come and speak on open with Uncle Peter, Hello Edward, or are you an Eddie to family? Yes I am, how did you know? Oh it seems to happen to all Edwards!

  Now I am Uncle Peter you can call me that, but when you are my Curate and anyone else is there with us, you will call me Bishop Peter! Do you understand? Well, I have just sat down, if anyone was there I will be honoured to say Bishop Peter! But have I misheard or have you actually already offered me a post as your Curate, without even seeing me? Well you are going to marry my young niece in my Church in two weeks; therefore you cannot be all that bad can you?

  You are slow, of course I have offered you a post, that is what you require is it not, now do you want the Post?Yes please, I would be honoured to be your Curate!

  Well hopefully some higher post will be available in the near future, just give it about 12 months, and I can have you as a Vicar in a Country Vicarage, in a lovely village in which all your children can grow-up in safely!

  Also of course the Anglican Church as School Fee Trusts, if you worked abroad, but I would hope you would stay in my keeping! Who knows one day you might like to take my places as the Bishop here!

  If Angie is happy,I am certainly happy,and if we were able to have a vicarage, then we are sorted! As Angie did mention she would like about six children at least! Yes Angie is just like her mother, who as you know is my youngest sister, need I say more? NO!

  Now when would you like things in motion? Well as soon as possible please Uncle Peter, we would like to be married as soon as possible, well in that case Eddie, 'phone your side first and hand in your letter of leaving the Church. Do not say anything whatever you do about the Anglican Church!

  In fact just say to them that your Vocation is not for you within the Catholic Church. That is sufficient for their needs.

  Just remember do not mention the Anglican Church! Now once you have resigned your Vocation we can hold a family wedding in two weeks from today, and just make sure that my sister is told all of this story this evening; just so we can start everything in motion. Yes Uncle Peter, we will let them know.

  Now when exactly is the baby due? First week of July, right well there will be nothing said about the baby from the family, so your wedding will be a winter wedding by the time your first born is here with us! Everyone will have forgotten about your wedding and will be so proud about your baby. So your Mum won't start having problems with her neighbours!

  Uncle Peter as Mum always been fussy about what neighbours think, do you know I think she gets it from your Granny! So be careful Eddie, as Angie could turn out like them!

  You can laugh Uncle Peter but she as always been one who always worries about what other people will think! I cannot understand why she does, Her Brother is the Bishop, end of story!

  Now just behave, but I suppose you won't start to behave now! First thing in the morning let me know your Mum is fully in the picture, no better than that tell her to let me know, then she will be over the moon because she is telling me something about her daughter! Yes OK, I will do that but you will have to pretend you have only been sounded out whether or not you would marry us!

  Eddie, if there is a problem within the Catholic Church and I do not for a second think there will be, just 'phone me and I will have a word with them!

  Anything else you will need, yes I shall have to make quite sure they know I am not going into the Convent, I have told them, but I shall double check that everything as been cancelled. Well no time like the present. Use the 'phone over there, all right I will!

, could I speak with Mother Superior please? My name is Angelina, I spoke to her this morning, regarding my vocation! Thank you I will hold! Seems a lot of soft voices in the room, they must have some kind of a problem!

  Perhaps I should just put the 'phone down and 'phone back in the morning, no keep holding for them to be able to answer your question for now, otherwise you will always have to be making calls to them! Yes, Uncle you are probably right, my child there is no doubt about it! Hoy you have just promised me that you will marry us in two weeks and now you are calling me a child!You will always be a child to me, or more to the point my little Angie!

  Hello yes, I wish to speak with Mother Superior I spoke to her this morning regarding my vocation, I am sorry could you say that again please, what time did I speak with her, I really have no idea perhaps somewhere about about 10.30a.m. Or perhaps slightly earlier! I just told her that I would not be attending for interview on Saturday morning at 11.30 am. as I no longer wanted a Vocation at the Convent, I intend to be married very shortly, and I am very happy and looking forward to my marriage, and I am also going to have a baby!

  Now why did you insist of me giving you the time I spoke with Mother Superior called Sister Bernardette?

  Because my Child she has been brutally murdered, well I certainly spoke with her this morning, I am sorry to say that you must have spoken to someone on the 'phone who said they were Mother Superior, but we found Sister Bernardette this morning in our Garden and she as certainly been brutally murdered! She has been brutally murdered by strangulation and also stabbed.

  The Police are involved obviously,well inform them that the person I spoke to answered the 'phone as Mother Superior, Sister Bernardette speaking, that is exactly what they said, just a second I will ask my sister if she can remember exactly the time she made me 'phone you and cancel my appointment, just a second, what time did you make me 'phone the convent; it would be 9a.m. Because I let you have a cup of tea even though I made it! Yes you did, I forgot that!